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Active South Dublin Local Sport and Physical Activity Plan 2023 – 2028
S3 Solutions was commissioned by South Dublin County Council to
A. Carry out a strategic review of the sports function in the context of the wider community development objectives of the council
B. To develop a five year, branded strategy and implementation framework aligned with local, regional and national policy and objectives
S3 worked closely with the LSP Coordinator and the wider sports function to facilitate a highly consultative and engaging process that comprised:
22 interviews with a range of internal (local authority) and external stakeholders, this included all of the different local authority departments,
5 thematic workshops with 29 different stakeholder organisations (mostly local groups that have a role in delivering sport and physical activity, as well as NGBs)
An online survey for organisations, generating 111 responses and an online survey for local residents, generating 1628 responses
6 strategic planning workshops with local authority staff including sport, community, housing, planning, public realm, parks & open spaces, economic development, active travel and tourism.
2 external stakeholder events to validate/challenge the direction of travel for the strategy
4 presentations to the Strategic Policy Committee and/or full council to seek feedback and final approval from elected members
The final output was the development of a 5 year local sports plan, the first of its kind in Ireland. This included four strategic themes and 11 high level ambitions with clear measures of success.
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