Levelling Up Fund Funding Support and Outline Business Cases
S3 Solutions was contracted by Newry, Mourne and Down District Council to undertake a strategic review of capital projects and completion of Outline Business Cases (5 Case Model) and submissions to the UK Government Levelling Up Fund programme for 3 projects. Project values ranged from £1.5 million to £12 million and related to economic and physical regeneration, health and wellbeing and tourism infrastructure.
S3 Solutions completed a strategic review of each of the projects in line with local priorities, strategic developments and planned investment in the area, comprehensive review of design and cost information and alignment with criteria for funding as outlined by the UK Government. Extensive stakeholder engagement (one to one interviews and workshops) took place with:
Council departments and relevant officers
Political representatives
Tourist stakeholders including NI Tourist Board and Failte Ireland
NI Executive and arms length bodies including Department for Communities, Sport NI and Loughs Agency
Community, business and sporting organisations
Residents, tourists and visitors via survey
S3 Solutions completed 5 Case Model OBCs for each project and full submission to the Levelling Up Fund. S3 Solutions co-ordinated all aspects of the contract, working directly to Assistant Director and Director level in terms of OBC and bid outputs, quality control and review, reporting and oversight.
All 3 bids and OBCs to support bids were completed in line with the strict funder deadline. Circa £3 million secured in January 2023 for the delivery of the Camlough Lake Recreation Centre project.